Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Defenders of Wildlife

In this blog, I am going to be talking about Defenders of Wildlife. Defenders of Wildlife is a non-profit organization that started in 1947. This group realizes the “value of wildlife and the natural world” whether they have utilitarian value to people or not. They aim to preserve habitats and help keep the animals happy in their environment. They focus “solely on wildlife and habitat conservation and the safeguarding of biodiversity”. The mission is to “protect all animals and plants native to North America in their natural communities”.

Defenders of Wildlife is staffed by a diverse group of people who are dedicated and passionate about what they do. They do whatever it takes to reach their goals. The approach is very “direct and straightforward”. They protect endangered species by changing policies and providing other solutions that are safer for them. Using whatever resources are available, this group goes above and beyond to help make a difference for many species that some people do not consider. They try to give alternatives to help people do what they aim to do without endangering any animals or plants. They aim for long-term solutions that will have a great impact in what they are trying to accomplish.

Their website provides information about different animals, plants, and habitats so that visitors can learn more about them. They also give information about the threats these species are facing today and how important it is to make a change. This group was listed as one of the best wildlife charities in 2006 and has continued to grow today. If you are interested in assisting the Defenders of Wildlife, you can visit their website. The website allows you to donate money to help them reach their goals, adopt an animal to watch after and see how they are helping this animal, and even become a member of the group to make an even bigger impact.

I personally hope to see them continue to make a difference and to grow because they are passionate in what they do and they don’t stop working toward their goals. I love everything they are about and am so happy to see all that they have done and am excited to see what they do in the future.

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