Monday, March 2, 2015

Compassion International

                The organization I will talk about is Compassion International. This is a non-profit organization that aims to end child poverty and help children grow up healthy and become leaders and come to know God. This group will watch children and also mothers and help them build a relationship with God. They also help develop leadership qualities in the children.
                The website has some facts that I thought were very important. They have over 27,000 babies and mothers in their program. They have brought people to know Christ and have aided many mothers through birth, because many women have to give birth at home, sometimes all alone. Compassion International has 621 centers today. They focus on each individual and their development. They aim to “address their spiritual, economic, social and physical needs”. They give these children opportunities they would not have otherwise. They also help them grow into responsible, respectable adults who have an opportunity to know Christ and to practice their faith.
                To help Compassion International, you can chose to sponsor a child. When you sponsor a child you are kept up to date on what is going on and the child is “linked directly to you”. The child you chose will know your name and you can write letters to each other as well. This will create a bond that can change the child’s life and your own. You are the child’s greatest influence in many cases and can really make a difference in their life. The goal is a long-term effect on fighting poverty. The program will invest in a child from the beginning of it until they are adults. It covers everything from basic care and needs to a college education.

                Some other ways to get involved are by volunteering or donating to the organization. Most of these children live on “less than U.S. $2 per day”. This is not a lot, and definitely not enough for some of the opportunities some of us are blessed with. This organization is taking great strides to end child poverty and I hope they continue to touch the lives of millions more. 

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